B is for Björn: A Fun Swedish Alphabet Mini Lesson for Kids
We’ve come to the letter B in our Swedish alphabet practice - and of course B is for BJÖRN in Swedish, and BEAR in English.
To make learning about the Swedish alphabet a bit more fun for the kiddos, I’ve put together this mini lesson with a colouring page, a cute poster to print and songs and videos to listen to and watch.
All you need to do is download the colouring page and print it, then click on the links below to watch and listen to the videos and songs - learning Swedish made lätt som en plätt - easy peasy.
Sing - sjung
My little boy has learned so many Swedish words, simply by listening and singing songs with me and watching children’s music videos on Youtube. In case you want to avoid screen time, then you can find lots of Swedish children’s songs on Google Music and Spotify - but in case you don’t have any of those services, then I’ve linked to some Youtube videos below.
Björnen sover (The Bear is sleeping)
This is a lovely old Swedish children’s song about bears. And it’s not just a song, it’s a fun game you can play with your kids too. Hear the song, and watch Kompisbandet play the game here.
Mors Lille Olle (Mum’s little Olle)
Another wonderful classic about a little boy and a bear - hear the song here.
Vi är små björnar (We’re little bears)
This is a new song to me, and it’s really fun. You sing it to the tune of ‘Nej se det snöar’, and you can find the lyrics here.
Do something - gör nånting
Play the Björnen sover game. It’s fun, and parents are allowed to join in, too…
Download the colouring page and poster on this page. Print them off and stick the poster on your kid’s wall, and get stuck in with some crayons. Be sure to talk about which colours you’re choosing and why…
Download and print off these free resources
To print off this cute poster - simply right click, then save to your computer and print it off.
To print off this cute colouring and writing exercise page - simply right click, then save to your computer and print it off.
Talk - prata
Let’s chat about all things bears - you can use these questions to get started.
Vad äter björnar? (What do bears eat?)
Var bor de? (Where do they live?)
Finns det olika slags björnar där ni bor? (Are there different types of bears where you live?)
Hur stora är björnar? (How big are bears?)
Did you know that björn is also an old Swedish boy’s name? But then it’s spelt with a capital B, of course: Björn. Do you know any famous people called Björn?
Read, Watch or listen
Video about the letter B
Here’s a short video about the Swedish letter B from Bolibompa, the Swedish Kids TV show.
Have you heard about Bamse? He is a bear who eats special honey called Dunderhonung that makes him the strongest bear in the world. There are books about Bamse, movies, and of course the comic magazine that all kids love. They can be tricky to get hold of abroad though. A top tip is to ask relatives in Sweden to buy old magazines and books at loppmarknader (fleamarkets). You can also find Bamse audiobooks and songs on Spotify!
Want more Swedish alphabet resources?
If your kids are learning about the Swedish alphabet, then I’ve created just the book you’re looking for! My Swedish ABC colouring book (see pic below) is truly bilingual, and features a fun colouring page for each letter of the alphabet along with easy writing exercises. Each image works for both the Swedish and English alphabet, making things a bit easier for our bilingual kids. The book is available in paperback from Amazon worldwide, and you can also download it as a printable pdf from the Swenglish Life shop below.
This bilingual colouring book is available in two formats: You can buy the traditional paperback from Amazon UK (£6.99) and Amazon USA ($8.99) - or download a convenient PDF for home printing from the Swenglish Life Shop for $3.99.
That’s it for this time! I hope you’ve found this mini lesson useful. If you’d like more language tips like these sent straight to your inbox, please subscribe to my newsletter.
Ha det gott!