A is for Apa: A fun Swedish Alphabet Mini Lesson
My little boy’s been learning about the English alphabet at nursery these last few months, and he keeps asking questions like ‘What else begins with B’… and after a few examples I just kept coming up with Swedish words instead of English. Eek, it’s one of the ‘perks’ of being bilingual for sure! :-)
But, of course I thought this would be a brilliant time to start showing him the Swedish alphabet, and have some fun too. Said and done, I’ve created some really cute printables, and I will be sharing some of them for free here on the blog.
A is for APA - A is for Monkey
Start off by downloading and printing these cute printables, then read on for some more fun language activities based around the word apa and the Swedish letter A.
You can download this printable by right clicking the image, saving it to your computer and then simply print it off. Easy peasy - lätt som en plätt!
You can download this printable by right clicking the image, saving it to your computer and then simply print it off. Easy peasy - lätt som en plätt!
Alphabet Activities
It’s all about the letter A and the word APA - here are some fun activities you can do together that will help your kids improve their Swedish vocabulary, and learn about the Alphabet at the same time. It’s a mini lesson - but your kids will have so much fun colouring, singing and talking that they won’t even realize they’re learning Swedish.
Sing - sjung
- Tänk om jag hade en liten apa with Kompisbandet on Youtube.
- Fem små apor with Kompisbandet on Youtube
Play - Lek
- Sing the song 'fem små apor' along with hand movements…
Talk - Prata
- Ask questions: Vad äter apor? Var bor apor? Vad använder de svansen till? Vilka andra ord börjar med bokstaven A? Ansikte, and, anka, ananas, ankare osv.
Do something - gör nåt
- Print out a few copies of the alphabet colouring page on this page and get painting and practice writing.
Watch - titta
- Nicke Nyfiken, the Swedish version of Curious George, is available on Youtube.
- Bokstavståget A med Skolplus AB is available on Youtube
Read - läs
- Pippi Långstrump - with herr Nilsson, our favourite monkey.
Do you want the whole Swedish Alphabet?
If your kids are learning the Swedish Alphabet, then check out the Swedish Alphabet printable posters kit, and the Swedish ABC book below. Both can be downloaded from the Swenglish Life shop and easily printed at home.