Mors Dag - Swedish Mother’s Day Gift Guide

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One of the absolute perks of being a Swedish Mum living abroad is that you can celebrate both Mors Dag (the Swedish Mother’s Day) on the last Sunday of May, as well as the usual Mother’s Day in March.

Growing up in Sweden, I remember vividly how we always went out into the forest to pick enormous bouquets of Liljekonvaljer (Lilly of the Valley) for Mamma, Mormor and Farmor for Mother’s Day - because, yes, of course we celebrate our grandmothers on Mother’s Day, too.

There’s something magical about smells - they can transport you back in time in an instant and Lilly of the Valley will always remind me of happy Mother’s Days as a child.

These days, as a mother myself, we’re creating our own celebrations and traditions. And here in the UK, so far my son seems more interested in Maskrosor (Dandelions).

They don’t smell as lovely - but who doesn’t love these little sunshine weeds? :)

Mors Dag - Swedish Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

Whether you celebrate Mors Dag or Mother’s Day - here’s a range of gift ideas that I hope you’ll enjoy. You can order them from my Swedish, UK or US Zazzle store using your local currency, yay. You’ll find all the international store links at the bottom of the page.

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The Nostalgic Mamma Mug Range

The Swedish words "Mamma, du är bäst" mean "Mom, you're the best". And “Mamma, Jag älskar dig”, means “Mom, I love you”.

I wanted to create a really nostalgic design for our Swedish mums and I fell in love with these illustrations of the red cottage in the woods as it brought me right back to the deeps woods of Blekinge where I grew up.

The text in the background is a compilation of words and phrases in Swedish around the theme of motherhood and love. A fab way to celebrate your Scandinavian heritage. You can check out all the mugs in my Zazzle store, here. You can find the international store links at the bottom of this page.

The Cute Mother Of Vikings Range

This is a special range, for a very special type of mums - Swedish mums! Did you know, Swedish mums are not just any ordinary mum - they’re mothers of Vikings!

I wanted to create a cute Viking design that would celebrate our rich heritage - and when I came up with the tagline “Mother of Vikings”, and found these amazing Viking illustrations I knew I just knew I was on to something.

I made the sky in the background of the design from a word cloud of Swedish Viking words giving the design that authentic Norse touch. I hope you’ll enjoy this range as much as I enjoyed creating it! Check out the whole range in my Zazzle store here.


Fun Definition of Mamma T-shirt

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And last, but not least - here’s a t-shirt with a fun definition of mamma! Mamma means “a mother who bribes her kids with cinnamon buns and threatens them with lutfisk”.

You can personalise the text underneath the headline any way you like, here are some fun suggestions to get your creativity flowing: 'Like a mum/mom, just way cooler', or if your mum is really into Vikings then why not add: 'Mother. See also: Shieldmaiden, Valkyrie'.

Or how about 'baker of cinnamon buns', or "the one who threatens the kids with Lutfisk/Surströmming", or "the one who bribes the kids with lördagsgodis".

The possibilities are endless - make this t-shirt special for your Swedish mum and she will love it! The t-shirt is available in lots of gorgeous colours, too. Check it out in my Zazzle store, here.

Linda Liebrand | Book Marketing Specialist & Self Publishing Success Coach

Hi, I’m Linda, and I'm an award-winning author and marketing specialist fueled by tea and a passion for all things book publishing. I can help you launch your book and set up the marketing systems you need for a thriving author business. I’d love to have a chat about your book: Book a free Discovery Call with me today


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