The Swenglish Life Gift Guide
Want to get your kids or grandkids something typically Swedish this Christmas? Something that's a bit educational, but oh so much fun at the same time? Keep reading to find the perfect bilingual book for your kids :-)
For the youngest ones
Tomtens Jul - Santa’s Christmas
Tomtens Jul - Santa’s Christmas
I just can't think of anything better than snuggling up with my little boy and a good book :) This book is called 'Tomtens Jul - Santa's Christmas' and it's one of the first books I created - and it remains one of the most popular! Kids love learning to count with tomten, and spotting the cheeky little Tomten who's hiding on every page :)
If you'd like to order your own copy, then you'll find the traditional paperbacks on Amazon worldwide and a print at home PDF version in the Swenglish Life book Shop. You can find all the shop links here.
My First Book About Sweden - Min första bok om Sverige
“Hej mitt vinterland - nu är jag här!” “Hello my Winterland, I'm here now” - begins a Swedish winter song written by Britt Lindeborg. And I couldn’t agree more - I'm soooo ready for Christmas this year - even if we don't get a single snowflake :) In the below picture you can see my First Book About Sweden - Min första bok om Sverige.
It's my very first children's book and this 'pekbok' remains a firm favourite among parents who want to show their kids typically Swedish traditions and teach them their first Swedish words. You can find it in a traditional paperback format in all good bookstores online, or download a convenient PDF version to print off at home from the Swenglish Life Book Shop - you can find all shop links here.
For the Busy Toddler
Tomten and Friends - Tomten med vänner
Minutes before I took this photo, I opened the pepparkaksburken/ginger bread tin and oh my goodness - they smelled absolutely divine! It was just a little bit distracting :) But did you know that you can make a wish with a pepparkaka? This is how you do it: Put the gingerbread in your hand, then gently tap the pepparkaka with your finger so it breaks into pieces. If you get three pieces, then yay, you get to make a wish :-)
Also pictured are my brand new colouring book Tomten and Friends - Tomten med vänner, traditional bokmärken, smällkaramell and my old music box :-) The colouring book is stepping stone into the magical world of the forest gnomes (skogstomtarna) where your kids will colour in the gnomes’ adventures, meet their friendly animal friends and explore enchanted toadstools and treehouses. Every image in this colouring book is labelled in both Swedish and English making this a perfect gift for any child learning Swedish.
If you'd like a paperback copy or print at home version of the colouring book, then check out all store links here.
Bilingual ABC Colouring Book
Do you know your Swedish 80's pop classics? Can you remember who sang these lyrics? "ABC - du är mina tankar"? Anna Book såklart! :-) And if you're looking for a fun ABC book for your bilingual kids then check out 'My Swedish ABC colouring book'. It's jam-packed with bilingual colouring pages and the alphabet of course. The perfect gift to put under the Christmas tree for your kids who're learning Swedish this year.
You can find it as a paperback on Amazon or a convenient print at home version in the Swenglish Life Shop - find the shop links here.
Counting Sweden - Räkna med Sverige
Everyone knows that the Swedish Tomten LOVES porridge and helping the farmer look after the animals on the farm. But do you know what might happen if the farmer forgets to give Tomten a big bowl of porridge with a knob of butter on Christmas Eve?
According to old Swedish folktales, the farmer would end up with a very grumpy Tomte indeed who might cause all sorts of trouble on the farm in the coming year! So to avoid having a mischevious Tomte messing with our stuff, many Swedes still put out that gröt/porridge every Christmas Eve! :)
The picture above shows a page from my book 'Counting Sweden - Räkna med Sverige' where kids can count everything from Dala horses, to tomtens and other typically Swedish things. You can get a copy of the book from Amazon, or download a printable PDF from the Swenglish Life Shop. You can find all shop links here.
For the Inquisitive pre-schooler
Tomten räddar julen - Tomten Saves Christmas
Do you know who handed out the Christmas presents in Sweden a long time before Santa took over the job?
a) En ren - a reindeer
b) Julbocken - the yule goat
c) en kanin - a rabbit
d) pappa i familjen - daddy of the family
Can you guess the answer? :)
In my book Tomten räddar julen - Tomten saves Christmas you get to meet the Swedish Gårdstomten (the farm gnome) who is a little grumpy about the fact that all the kids keep confusing him for his cousin Santa... and he definitely doesn't want to help his cousin with the horrible Christmas duties... but will he change his mind after an eye opening trip to Lappland? :-)
You can find the book on Amazon worldwide, or download a digital copy from the Swenglish Life Shop. Find all the shop links here. And now the right answer: B - julbocken
Did you know that according to old Swedish folktales the night of Christmas Eve is full of magic. One thing that is told might happen at this very special time of year is that animals get the ability to speak :) I've never been lucky enough to experience that - but, I know for sure that the animals in Skogsbandet - the Forest band can speak all year round :)
If you're looking for a fun story and activity book for your preschool aged kids who're learning Swedish then this is the perfect book!
Tjofse the owl was enjoying the peace and quiet in the forest. When all of a sudden he heard a horrible sound! Happily, he soon discovers a whole new world of musical friends in a clearing in the forest!
Teach your kids all about forest creatures, musical instruments, and the power of an open mind through this charming bilingual story and activity pages.
You can find the paperback on Amazon worldwide, or download a printable PDF over at the Swenglish Life shop - You can find all the shop links here.
My Little Book of Shapes - Min lilla bok om former
"Det var så roligt jag måste skratta, det kom en tre-kantig gubbe in." (It was so funny, I had to laugh. A triangular man walked in). Do you remember this old Swedish song? I remember I used to love it as a child! Can you remember what the man's hat was 'kantad i'/covered in? Korvaskinn (sausage skin) of course! And if you're looking for a fun book for your kids who're learning Swedish then don't forget to check out 'My Little Book of Shapes - Min lilla bok om former'. It's great fun and your kids will learn the Swedish names for geometrical shapes while having hours of fun colouring and solving puzzles. You can find it in paperback in all major online book shops and as a print at home version in the Swenglish Life Book shop. All the shop links are here.
I hope you’ve found the perfect book for your kids in this gift guide! God Jul :-)