Day 5 #Swenglishlife7 challenge

Välkommen till dag 5 av #Swenglishlife7 utmaningen!

Welcome to day 5 of the #SwenglishLife7 challenge!

Watch the video and then download the material below.

Ha det gott!


Gömma nyckeln!

Idag ska vi leka en kul lek i vår språkutmaning #Swenglishlife7. Lek gömma nyckeln och ge ledtrådarna fågel, fisk eller mittemellan. Klicka här för att ladda ner reglerna.

gömma nyckeln hide the key.jpg

Hide the key!

Today, we’ll be playing a fun Swedish game in our #Swenglishlife7 challenge. Play the game ‘hide the key’ and give the clues: bird, fish or in between :) Click here to download the rules and start playing!


I’d love to hear from you!

Use hashtag #SwenglishLife7 and share photos from your challenge on the Swenglish Life Facebook Page, or tag Swenglish Life on Instagram.

And if you have any questions please drop me a note! :-) Linda